Our work

While Oxfam’s efforts reach around the world, the Oxfam America Action Fund uses legislative lobbying and political advocacy to change the systems that perpetuate inequality and hold the powerful accountable.

The Oxfam America Action Fund works to change the laws and policies that keep people trapped in poverty. Together, we can use our voices to tackle the root cause of poverty and injustice—inequality.

We also mobilize citizens like you to join our efforts. By challenging the national and international laws that keep people trapped in poverty, we can work together to create lasting solutions.

NYC Climate Rally April 2023

US Election 2024: Oxfam’s inequality agenda

There is an inequality crisis on the ballot this November—and it’s time for us to demand leaders muster the courage to fight it. Oxfam is encouraging all candidates, regardless of party affiliation, to support efforts to make the world more equal to help end poverty and injustice.

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Support the Oxfam America Action Fund

The world’s poorest people don’t have expensive lobbyists fighting for them in Washington, DC. They have you and me. Join the Oxfam America Action Fund and be a voice for ending global poverty and injustice.

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