Tell Congress to protect families during this pandemic

COVID-19 is illuminating a stark fact: Millions of families in America live on the edge. Tell Congress: Expand social protections, don’t bail out corporations.

Step one—Find your representative here.

Step two—Call (202) 224-3121 for the Congressional switchboard operator and ask for your Member of Congress.

Step three—Tell your Representative/Senator to support! Here’s a script to make it easier for you:

Hi my name is ________ and I am a constituent from ________.

I’m worried that the Corona Virus is having devastating impacts on vulnerable people—like working families here in (our state/town) ________.

That’s why I’m calling to ask the Representative/Senator to act now to protect the most vulnerable people by providing:

  1. Universal, permanent paid sick time and paid leave FOR ALL WORKERS –not just some.
  2. Direct cash payments to all individuals and stronger unemployment insurance for workers who lose their jobs.
  3. No blank checks for corporations. If companies want taxpayer dollars, there must be strings attached to protect working people.

Thank you.